Maintaining good indoor air quality (IAQ) is more important than ever these days, especially if someone in your family suffers from allergies or asthma. Keep in mind that the quality of the air you breathe at home can affect your mood, productivity and overall health.

Discover signs of poor indoor air quality here from a local air conditioning and furnace installer.
Your family’s health.
The health of your household can usually determine your home’s indoor air quality. Does anyone at home constantly experience sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, congestion, headaches or frequent nosebleeds? Watch out for these symptoms because they could indicate that your indoor air isn’t as clean as you think. Many homes today are tightly sealed, which often results in the air indoors becoming even more polluted than the air outdoors.
Inconsistent air distribution.
If there are cold and warm spots in your house, this could indicate problems with airflow and indoor air quality. If your HVAC system is having trouble maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels, your IAQ may suffer. It’s best to have your heating and cooling system checked to get rid of cold and warm spots. Addressing this problem will improve your IAQ and help you save on energy costs.
Heavy dust buildup around your house.
Excessive dust buildup around vents and other surfaces in your home is a strong indicator of poor IAQ. This issue must be addressed immediately. You can easily deal with it by investing in a high-quality air filter or a HEPA filter.
Bad odors.
Increased humidity at home can encourage mold and mildew growth. You’ll know there’s mold and mildew present if you notice a musty smell and dark spots on walls, ceilings and other surfaces. Any odd smells in your living spaces could also be caused by poor IAQ.
If you need a new air cooler or heater, turn to OK Heating and Air Conditioning for high-quality HVAC services. Call us at (925) 337-8319 or fill out our contact form to get started.