Now that the heating season is in full swing, homeowners across the nation are powering up their furnaces and gas heater systems to prepare for colder days. While California isn’t particularly known for freezing temperatures, homeowners still find having a reliable heating system is best for keeping their homes warm and comfortable. Unfortunately, these same heating systems pump out dry air, which can lead to a number of complications within your household.

The best solution to curtailing the effects of the dry air being blown out by your heating system is to use a humidifier, which can either be a portable standalone unit or a whole-home system. It’s not always clear to homeowners which one has better functionality, so let our HVAC professionals at OK Heating and Air Conditioning explain a few things to help you make an informed decision.
Before you decide to call HVAC companies to learn about your humidifier options, you need to consider where it will be used. If dry air problems only affect one room (which is rarely the case), then perhaps a portable unit is more practical. However, this isn’t a good solution for providing humidity control across multiple rooms, a role that’s better filled better by a whole-home system.
Portable humidifiers require constant topping off with water to continue functioning, something that you don’t have to do for a system that’s directly connected to your duct network. Locating the main device away from your rooms also means that you won’t hear it humming or buzzing while the humidifier is running, providing you with much-needed quiet and comfort.
Of course, retrofitting an existing heating and air conditioning system with a whole-home humidifier will involve making changes and adjustments to your current duct network. The added labor along with the higher product cost can make the whole project more expensive than simply purchasing one portable unit. Of course, you must also consider the value it adds to your comfort and that of your family.
We Can Help With All Your Heating and Cooling Needs
At OK Heating, our expert technicians can answer any questions you have about whole-home humidifiers, and can also help you find a comfort solution that’s 100% right for your home. Give us a call today at (925) 337-8319 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation and service visit. You may also request a free estimate on new HVAC installations.