HVAC Maintenance Plans vs. Home Warranties: Which Is Better?

When you purchase a new HVAC system, you may be wondering whether to get a maintenance plan or a home warranty. While both options can give you benefits down the road, there are significant differences in the service and coverage of each. 1. Cleaning and […]

Indoor Air Quality and Home Pollution Facts

Have concern the air in your home isn’t up to par? Worried the air you breathe is making you sick? Give us a call and let us test the air quality of your home today, we service Livermore, Pleasanton and Walnut Creek.

Heat Pump Vs. Furnaces For Heating

Most households use either heat pumps or furnaces to warm up their homes, both of which are reliable and effective. However, the two systems are quite different. Careful consideration of the various unique characteristics would be vital while making purchasing decisions. Sizing and Choosing The […]

Your Air Handler Importance

The importance of an Air Handler for your HVAC System will amaze you. It is like having a hamster running inside a hair dryer. Okay, not really. A hair dryer and Air Handler handle air and the temperature of the air. Think of a hair […]

Top HVAC Technologies For The Coming Year

The HVAC industry is expecting to grow in 2016 thanks to the continuing increase in building construction. As residential and non-residential construction grows, there is increasing demand for new HVAC units. At the same time the new HVAC units today have more features than ever […]

Understanding How Legionnaires Disease And HVAC Systems Are Connected

Understanding How Legionnaires Disease and HVAC Systems Are Connected Legionnaires’ Disease became famous when it first caused an outbreak at an American Legion Conference in 1976. Since then, there have been several outbreaks all over the world and most of them have been traced to […]

Should I Be Concerned About Carbon Monoxide In My Home?

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas responsible for between 20,000 and 30,000 non-fatal and about 500 fatal poisoning incidences in the US annually. Worryingly, it can easily seep through building materials like gypsum wallboards, according to a study published in the Journal […]

Surge Protectors And HVAC: What You Need To Know

Most electrical devices being manufactured today are designed to be more energy efficient and long lasting. This means that you get to save money on both energy bills and replacements. However, modern devices require more care than it was the case back in the day. […]

How Do I Know If My A/C Unit Is Big Enough?

Choosing the right sized air conditioner is essential for those who want to remain comfortable in the summer. If its too small, your air conditioner won’t cool your targeted area sufficiently. If it’s too large, the room or rooms it will climatize will be too […]

Myth Busters: Energy Efficiency Notions Debunked!

Saving the environment and energy efficiency are buzzwords in today’s world. With all of the cries for reducing our carbon footprint in order to save the planet, it’s no wonder that everyone wants to do their part. Some myths about energy savings have sprouted up […]